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defa technology (wuxi) company limitedu0026lt;bru0026gt;帝发技术(无锡)有限公司u0026lt;bru0026gt; u0026lt;bru0026gt;defa group was established in 1946, with headquarter situated outside oslo, capital of norway. u0026lt;bru0026gt;defa group is comprised of several fields like automotive (engine heaters, interior heaters and battery charges for cars and trucks); security (alarm and tracking systems for cars, trucks, motorbikes and boats) and lighting (tunnel light, street light, flood light and other decorative light products).u0026lt;bru0026gt;defa has been able to become number one in europe for car heating systems and has also attained a front rank position for alarm/tracking systems. during the last year defa has done structural changes within its lighting business and is on its way to get a front rank position also in this area.u0026lt;bru0026gt;defa’s goal is to remain innovative, in the areas of research and development, production, logistics and distribution, and marketing and sales. innovation in high-tech fields will consolidate defa’s dominance in the market.u0026lt;bru0026gt;defa technology (wuxi) co., ltd. is the first subsidiary company in china and asia of defa group and was established in july 2005. defa technology in wuxi has around 90 employees and manufacture products within all three areas. as the company business development is going well, we invited motivated individual to join us and take part of our growth.u0026lt;bru0026gt;u0026lt;bru0026gt; 帝发集团公司创建于1946年,总部位于挪威首都奥斯陆郊外。u0026lt;bru0026gt; 帝发集团下属三个事业部,汽车附件事业部负责汽车发动机预热系统和电池充电器的研发与生产;安保事业部负责汽车、摩托车和轮船的警报器与跟踪系统的研发及生产;照明系统事业部负责研发制造各种隧道灯、路灯、射灯及其它装饰灯具等。u0026lt;bru0026gt; 在欧洲市场,帝发集团汽车预热系统方面的技术首屈一指,并且警报跟踪系统方面的技术也名列前茅。在过去的一年里,帝发集团对其照明业务进行了结构调整,并取得该领域的世界领先地位。u0026lt;bru0026gt; 帝发集团的目标是在开发、生产、物流及营销等方面不断开拓创新,在高新技术领域的创新不断巩固帝发集团在市场上的主导地位。u0026lt;bru0026gt; 帝发技术(无锡)有限公司是帝发集团在中国和亚洲投资设立的第一家子公司,公司成立于2005年7月,现有员工90人左右,主要生产车用加热器、照明灯具和交通工具警报系统。随着公司业务的不断发展,我们诚邀有志之士加盟,与帝发共同成长,共创美好明天。